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Emilio J. Cocinero visited Bologna

Emilio J. Cocinero was two weeks in Bologna visiting Caminati’s laboratory. He gave two talks: “Structures of biomolecules: MW Spectroscopy coupled with ultrafast UV laser vaporization” and “Sugars and anaesthetics: Versatility of Laser Spectroscopy”.

2013-12-07 17.18.43

Photo: Emilio, Lorenzo, Qian and Walther

Francisco Corzana gave a very interesting lecture

Francisco Corzana (Universidad de la Rioja) gave a very interesting talk in our University “Glicopéptidos derivados de mucinas. Diseño racional de vacunas contra el cáncer”.


The structure of antipyretics: phenazone

The conformational and structural preferences of phenazone (antipyrine), the prototype of non-opioid pyrazolone antipyretics, have been published in The Journal of Chemical Physics.

The spectrum exhibited very complicated fine and hyperfine patterns originated by the simultaneous coupling of the methyl group internal rotation and the spins of the two 14N nuclei with the overall rotation.
